Sunda Cyber Army

* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~

Path : /home/dent/public_html/acad274/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/dent/public_html/acad274/testmovie.php


// create connection to database
$host = "";
$userid = "dent_student";
$userpw = "code4Studentuse";
$db = "dent_movies";

$mysql = new mysqli(

if($mysql->connect_errno) {
    echo "db connection error : " . $mysql->connect_error;

// base query
$sql =      "SELECT * from view1 WHERE 1=1";

$sql .= " AND title like 'R%' AND rating = 'PG-13' ";

// ADD ON sort order
$sql .= " ORDER BY title";

// submit query to database, store returned data as $results
$results = $mysql->query($sql);

if(!$results) {
    echo "SQL error: ". $mysql->error . " running query <hr>" . $sql . "<hr>";
} else {
    // put sql into comment block of webpage
    echo "<!-- SQL: $sql -->";

    Note: $results is a database "result set".
    It has a property $results->num_rows that is a number (how many rows of data)

// Code to output one sample row with list of columns
$sample = $results->fetch_assoc();
echo "<!-- Sample first row of data <br>";
echo "</pre> -->";
$results->data_seek(0); // reset results

// close php block

<h3>PG-13 movies that start with "R" results</h3>

Returning <?= $results->num_rows ?> Movies

    /* small stylesheet to set up movie formatting styles */

<?php // BACK into php
// create output loop around rows of database results
while( $currentrow = $results->fetch_assoc() ) { // OPEN/active php loop
    // while in repeating loop, back into html mode

<!-- Text, html and php output code below will repeat over and -->
Movie <?= $currentrow["title"] ?>, 
	Rated  <?= $currentrow["rating"] ?>

    <!-- end of looped code -->
    } // end php loop
// back to html for further text, html page content