* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
// Check to see what info was passed to this page
// This is where the actual UPDATE happens
// Connect to the db!
$host = "webdev.iyaclasses.com";
$userid = "acad276guest_db_user";
$userpw = "coffeetea21!";
$db = "acad276guest_dvd";
include '../pdloginvariables.php';
$mysql = new mysqli(
if($mysql->connect_errno) {
echo "db connection error : " . $mysql->connect_error;
// Write the SQL to update this movie's info
$sql = "UPDATE dvd_titles SET title = '" . $_REQUEST["title"] . "', " .
"rating_id =" . $_REQUEST["rating"] . ", " .
"genre_id = " . $_REQUEST["genre"] .
" WHERE dvd_title_id =" . $_REQUEST["recordid"] . ";";
echo "<hr>" . $sql . "<hr>";
// Run the SQL
$results = $mysql->query($sql);
if(!$results) {
echo "Could NOT save changes.";
echo $mysql->error;
// Show confirmation message
echo "Changes have been saved!";
<a href="search_drilldown.php">Back to search page</a>