* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
# cpanel - scripts/installpostgres Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
package scripts::installpostgres;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cpanel::Debug ();
use Cpanel::OS ();
use Cpanel::SafeRun::Simple ();
use Cpanel::SysPkgs ();
use Cpanel::Chkservd::Manage ();
use Cpanel::PostgresUtils ();
use Cpanel::PostgresUtils::PgPass ();
use Cpanel::ServerTasks ();
use Whostmgr::Postgres ();
exit( run(@ARGV) // 0 ) unless caller();
sub help {
my $msg = <<EOF;
Usage: installpostgres [--help] [--yes]
Installs the supported version of PostgreSQL.
--help This message.
--yes Bypass confirmation prompt.
print $msg;
return 0;
sub prompt {
my ( $message, @args ) = @_;
chomp $message;
print $message;
if ( !@args || $args[0] !~ /\-\-yes/ ) {
my $res = <STDIN>;
if ( $res !~ /^y/i ) {
print "Exiting...\n";
# replace system calls
sub _run_and_log_cmd { ## no critic(RequireArgUnpacking) # doesn't make sense in this case
Cpanel::Debug::log_debug( '[EXEC] ' . join( " ", @_ ) );
my $out = Cpanel::SafeRun::Simple::saferunallerrors(@_);
return $out;
# Get more info with CPANEL_DEBUG_LEVEL set
sub _debug_run_and_log_cmd { ## no critic(RequireArgUnpacking) # doesn't make sense in this case
Cpanel::Debug::log_debug( '[EXEC] ' . join( " ", @_ ) ) if $Cpanel::Debug::level;
my $out = Cpanel::SafeRun::Simple::saferunallerrors(@_);
Cpanel::Debug::log_debug($out) if $Cpanel::Debug::level;
return $out;
sub run {
my @args = @_;
return help() if grep { $_ eq '--help' } @args;
die "cPanel does not support PostgreSQL on this system at this time!" unless Cpanel::OS::supports_postgresql();
my $restart_instruction = Cpanel::OS::is_systemd() ? "\tsystemctl restart postgresql" : "\t/sbin/service postgresql stop\n" . "\t/sbin/service postgresql start\n";
my $minversion = Cpanel::OS::postgresql_minimum_supported_version() . '.x';
if ( my $old_pg_home = Cpanel::PostgresUtils::find_pgsql_home() ) {
my $notice = <<"EOS";
This script installs PostgreSQL $minversion or later.
If your system runs an older version of PostgreSQL, you must
dump your databases to a file, and then restore them after
PostgreSQL $minversion is NOT backwards compatible.
If no PostgreSQL databases exist on your system, run the
following command to force the creation of a PostgreSQL $minversion -style
\tmv $old_pg_home $old_pg_home.old
Do not run this command if databases exist that you wish to keep!
Are you certain that you wish to proceed? [y/(n)]:
prompt( $notice, @args );
else {
my $notice = <<"EOS";
This script installs PostgreSQL $minversion or later.
Are you certain that you wish to proceed? [y/(n)]:
prompt( $notice, @args );
Cpanel::Debug::log_info("Installing Postgres...");
my $syspkgobj = Cpanel::SysPkgs->new();
if ( !$syspkgobj ) { die Cpanel::Debug::log_error("The system could not create the SysPkgs object."); }
$syspkgobj->install( 'pkglist' => Cpanel::OS::postgresql_packages() );
my $pg_user = Cpanel::PostgresUtils::PgPass::getpostgresuser();
my $pg_home = Cpanel::PostgresUtils::find_pgsql_home( 'user' => $pg_user );
my $pg_data = Cpanel::PostgresUtils::find_pgsql_data( 'home' => $pg_home );
my @cmd;
foreach my $alias ( @{ Cpanel::OS::postgresql_service_aliases() } ) {
my $service = 'postgresql';
if ( !-e "/etc/init.d/$service" && -e "/etc/init.d/$alias" ) {
symlink( $alias, "/etc/init.d/$service" );
if ( !-e "$pg_data/global" ) {
foreach my $cmd ( @{ Cpanel::OS::postgresql_initdb_commands() } ) {
@cmd = split ' ', $cmd;
@cmd = qw{/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/setpostgresconfig --force};
@cmd = qw{/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/cpservice postgresql enable 35};
my ( $status, $message );
Cpanel::Debug::log_info("Updating postgresql configuration now...");
( $status, $message ) = Whostmgr::Postgres::update_config();
print $message. "\n" if $message;
Cpanel::Debug::log_info("Attempting to restart postgresql...");
@cmd = qw{/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv postgresql};
my $install_ok = $? == 0 ? 1 : 0;
if ($install_ok) {
Cpanel::Debug::log_info("Creating dbowners for existing cpusers...");
( $status, $message ) = Whostmgr::Postgres::create_dbowners_for_cpusers();
print $message. "\n";
$install_ok &&= $status;
if ($install_ok) {
print q{
The PostgreSQL packages successfully installed. To configure PostgreSQL,
set your password, and enable PostgreSQL for user accounts, navigate to
WHM's Configure PostgreSQL interface (Home >> SQL Services >> Configure PostgreSQL).
print "Setting a random password for the PostgreSQL database user.\n";
_debug_run_and_log_cmd( '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/postgrescheck', '--check-auth', '--reset-pass-on-fail' );
# If PostgreSQL has never been listed under chkservd, enable monitoring for it.
# (This might happen if the service was uninstalled manually but reinstalled with this script.)
# Doing this prevents /scripts/check_unmonitored_enabled_services from complaining to the admin
# who is installing PostgreSQL for the first time on this system.
my %MONITORED = Cpanel::Chkservd::Manage::getmonitored();
Cpanel::Chkservd::Manage::enable('postgresql') unless exists $MONITORED{'postgresql'};
# install_ok value can change in the previous block
if ( !$install_ok ) {
print STDERR qq{The PostgreSQL installation failed!\n};
# reset haspostgres if great success
Cpanel::ServerTasks::schedule_task( ['CpDBTasks'], 5, 'build_global_cache' ) if $install_ok;
return $install_ok ? 0 : 1;