* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
# cpanel - scripts/rdate Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
package rdate;
use cPstrict;
use Cpanel::Unix::PID::Tiny ();
use Cpanel::SafeRun::Simple ();
use Getopt::Long ();
use Cpanel::OS ();
use Cpanel::OSSys::Env ();
use Cpanel::Binaries ();
use Socket;
my $timeout = 10;
exit( _run_alarmed( $timeout, @ARGV ) // 0 ) unless caller;
sub run (@args) {
my $print_time; # used to map usage to rdate's -p option
my $help;
'-p|print' => \$print_time,
'-h|help' => \$help,
) or return usage(1);
return usage(0) if $help;
my $envtype = Cpanel::OSSys::Env::get_envtype();
# Case 48348 -- Virtual environments cannot set the system time so do nothing.
if ( $envtype =~ qr{^(?:virtuozzo|cpanel-vserver|vzcontainer)$} ) {
say "Container environment detected - rdate skipped";
my $pid = 0;
my $check_ntpd_pid_method = Cpanel::OS::check_ntpd_pid_method();
if ( $check_ntpd_pid_method eq 'systemd_ntpd' ) {
$pid = _detect_systemd_managed_ntpd();
elsif ( $check_ntpd_pid_method eq 'pid_check_var_run_ntpd' ) {
my $upid = Cpanel::Unix::PID::Tiny->new();
$pid = $upid->is_pidfile_running('/var/run/ntpd.pid');
else {
die qq[Unknown check_ntpd_pid_method method: $check_ntpd_pid_method];
if ($pid) {
say "The 'ntpd' daemon is running on PID '$pid'. Exiting.";
else {
my %rdate_opts = ( 'set_time' => 1 );
$rdate_opts{'print_time'} = 1 if $print_time;
$rdate_opts{'server'} = 'rdate.cpanel.net';
sub exec_rdate (%opts) {
my $server = $opts{'server'} || 'rdate.cpanel.net';
my $port = $opts{'port'} // 37;
my $rdate_mode = $opts{'mode'} // 1; # act like the binary unless otherwise requested
my $socket = _create_socket( $server, $port );
my $time_data;
recv( $socket, $time_data, 4, 0 );
# Make sure we actually got some data back
if ( !$time_data ) {
print "Server returned empty data, please try a different server.\n";
# Take the binary data we get from the time server, convert to hex, sprintf to decimal then
# subtract the number of seconds from Jan 1st 1900 to 1970 ( 2208988800 ) to get our epoch, es defined in RFC868
my $epoch = unpack( "N*", $time_data ) - 2208988800;
if ( $opts{'print_time'} || ( !$opts{'set_time'} ) ) {
print "rdate: [$server]\t" . scalar localtime($epoch) . "\n" if $rdate_mode == 1;
if ( $opts{'set_time'} ) {
set_system_time( $epoch, $rdate_mode );
return $epoch;
# split out for mocking purposes
sub _create_socket ( $server, $port ) {
my $socket;
socket( $socket, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, ( getprotobyname('tcp') )[2] ) or die "Can't open socket $!\n";
connect( $socket, pack_sockaddr_in( $port, inet_aton($server) ) ) or die "Can't connect to $server:$port $! \n";
return $socket;
sub set_system_time {
my ( $epoch, $rdate_mode ) = @_;
# We only want to allow for a 10 digit number, anything else is nonsensical here
if ( $epoch !~ m/^\d{10}$/ ) {
die "Invalid epoch given to set_system_time.\n";
# Find date binary on CentOS 6 and 7+
my $date_bin_path = Cpanel::Binaries::path('date');
my $output = Cpanel::SafeRun::Simple::saferunnoerror( $date_bin_path, '-s', "\@$epoch" );
chomp $output;
# mimic binary rdate behavior
print "Set system time to “$output”\n" if !$rdate_mode;
sub _detect_systemd_managed_ntpd() {
my $output = Cpanel::SafeRun::Simple::saferunallerrors( '/usr/bin/systemctl', 'status', 'ntpd' );
if ( $output =~ m/Active:\sactive\s+\(running\)/a && $output =~ m/Main\s+PID:\s+(\d+)\s+\(/a ) {
return $1;
sub _run_alarmed {
my ( $timeout, @args ) = @_;
require Cpanel::Alarm;
my $alrm = Cpanel::Alarm->new( $timeout, sub { die "Failed to run due to the $timeout second timeout being exceeded.\n" } );
sub usage ($status) {
$status //= 0;
print <<EOS;
On servers without ntp daemon, use 'rdate' to adjust the system clock.
--help [-h] display this help
--print [-p] Print the time returned by the remote machine.
scripts/rdate -p
return $status;