* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
# cpanel - scripts/rebuilddnsconfig Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cpanel::DNSLib ();
use Cpanel::OS ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::Move ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy ();
use Cpanel::Path ();
use Cpanel::StringFunc::Count ();
use Cpanel::StringFunc::Match ();
use Cpanel::SafetyBits ();
use Cpanel::NameServer::Conf ();
use Cpanel::NameServer::Utils::BIND ();
use Cpanel::Validate::Domain::Tiny ();
use Cpanel::DNSLib ();
use Getopt::Std;
umask 0022;
######[ declare some globals ]#####################################################################
# default location of zone files used for rebuilding named.conf
my $def_basedir;
# default location of named.conf
my $def_namedconf;
# default log directory for named
my $def_logdir;
# default location of pidfile
my $def_pidfile = '/var/run/named/named.pid';
# Verbose variable, if set to "1" actions are reported to STDOUT.
my $cpverbose = 0;
# We sent this to fixrndc, if it sends it back that means we've got a loop
my $selfcalled = 0;
my %options = ();
getopts( 'sfv', \%options );
if ( defined( $options{'v'} ) ) { $cpverbose = 1; }
if ( defined( $options{'s'} ) ) { $selfcalled = 1; }
if ( $selfcalled == 1 ) {
print "Loop detected, exiting.\n";
######[ set defaults based on distro/OS ]##########################################################
$def_basedir = Cpanel::OS::dns_named_basedir(); # /var/named
$def_namedconf = Cpanel::OS::dns_named_conf(); # /etc/named.conf
$def_logdir = Cpanel::OS::dns_named_log(); # /var/log/named
######[ ensure base directory structure is created ]###############################################
my ( $chrootdir, $binduser, $bindgroup ) = Cpanel::NameServer::Utils::BIND::find_chrootbinddir();
my $binduid = getpwnam($binduser) || die "$binduser not in passwd file";
my $bindgid = getgrnam($bindgroup) || die "$bindgroup not configured on the system";
# Set up directory structure
if ( !-e $def_basedir ) {
mkdir $def_basedir or die "Unable to create $def_basedir: $!";
chown $binduid, $bindgid, $def_basedir;
if ( !-e "$def_basedir/data" ) {
mkdir "$def_basedir/data" or die "Unable to create $def_basedir/data: $!";
chown $binduid, $bindgid, "$def_basedir/data";
if ( !-e $def_logdir ) {
mkdir $def_logdir or die "Unable to create $def_logdir: $!";
chown $binduid, $bindgid, $def_logdir;
# Set up pid directory
if ( !-e '/var/run/named' ) {
mkdir '/var/run/named' or die "Unable to create '/var/run/named': $!";
chown $binduid, $bindgid, '/var/run/named';
# create base chroot directories if required
if ($chrootdir) {
if ( !-e $chrootdir . '/etc' ) {
mkdir $chrootdir . '/etc' or die "Unable to create $chrootdir/etc: $!";
if ( !-e $chrootdir . '/var' ) {
mkdir $chrootdir . '/var' or die "Unable to create $chrootdir/var: $!";
if ( !-e $chrootdir . '/var/named' ) {
mkdir $chrootdir . '/var/named' or die "Unable to create $chrootdir/var/named: $!";
if ( !-e $chrootdir . '/var/named/data' ) {
mkdir $chrootdir . '/var/named/data' or die "Unable to create $chrootdir/var/named/data: $!";
chown $binduid, $bindgid, $chrootdir . '/var/named/data';
if ( !-e $chrootdir . '/var/run' ) {
mkdir $chrootdir . '/var/run' or die "Unable to create $chrootdir/var/run: $!";
if ( !-e $chrootdir . '/var/run/named' ) {
mkdir $chrootdir . '/var/run/named' or die "Unable to create $chrootdir/var/run/named: $!";
chown $binduid, $bindgid, $chrootdir . '/var/run/named';
######[ Setup Hint zone file if needed ]###########################################################
if ( !-e "$def_basedir/named.ca" ) {
Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/named.ca', "$def_basedir/named.ca" );
if ( !-e "$def_basedir/localdomain.zone"
|| !-e "$def_basedir/localdomain.zone"
|| !-e "$def_basedir/named.broadcast"
|| !-e "$def_basedir/named.ip6.local"
|| !-e "$def_basedir/named.local"
|| !-e "$def_basedir/named.zero"
|| !-e "$def_basedir/named.rfc1912.zones" ) {
# RFC1912
Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/named.rfc1912.zones', "$def_basedir/named.rfc1912.zones" );
system 'tar', 'xvf', '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/rfc1912_zones.tar', '-C', $def_basedir; # uses new .tar without the ./named/ directory so we can use it for both
if ($chrootdir) {
system 'tar', 'xvf', '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/rfc1912_zones.tar', '-C', $chrootdir . '/var/named';
######[ create a brand new named.conf from a default template if needed ]##########################
if ( !-e $def_namedconf || -z _ ) { # no named.conf or zero bytes
print "Installing default Bind configuration\n" if $cpverbose;
#>>>>>[ Write default configuration w/ proper basedir ]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
if ( open my $conf_fh, '>', $def_namedconf ) {
foreach (&getdefault_nameddotconf) {
print {$conf_fh} $_;
close $conf_fh;
# Reset ownership
Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_recchown( 'named', 'named', $def_basedir );
# Force
$options{'f'} = 1;
my $dnslib = Cpanel::DNSLib->new();
my $needpid = 0;
######[> Ensure all .db's have an entry in named.conf and vice versa >]############################
# suck up all zones of the named.conf and zone dir in memory for fast parsing, heavy on mem side but better than thrashing hdd
my %needtoadd;
my $ndc_fh;
my $namedconf_obj = Cpanel::NameServer::Conf->new();
# start with a freshly rebuild conf file when force is specified (also happens when named.conf was empty)
if ( $options{'f'} && $namedconf_obj->type() ne 'bind' ) {
my %current_zone_entries = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $namedconf_obj->fetchzones() };
opendir my $zone_dh, $def_basedir or die "Unable to read zone file directory $def_basedir: $!";
my @zonedir_contents = readdir($zone_dh);
closedir $zone_dh;
my %current_zone_files = ();
foreach my $zonefile (@zonedir_contents) {
if ( $zonefile =~ /^([\w\-.]+)\.db$/ && Cpanel::Validate::Domain::Tiny::validdomainname($1) ) {
$current_zone_files{$1} = 1;
my %bad_zones = %current_zone_entries;
delete @bad_zones{ keys %current_zone_files };
delete $bad_zones{'.'};
my %missing_zones = %current_zone_files;
delete @missing_zones{ keys %current_zone_entries };
# make sure all zones.db files have entry in named.conf
# Add missing files to named.conf
if ( scalar keys %missing_zones ) {
print "Adding zones " . join( ' ', keys %missing_zones ) . "\n" if $cpverbose;
$namedconf_obj->addzones( keys %missing_zones );
# make sure all entries in named.conf have zone files
if ( scalar keys %bad_zones ) {
print 'Removing zones ' . join( ' ', keys %bad_zones ) . " from configuration, zonefiles missing\n" if $cpverbose;
$namedconf_obj->removezones( keys %bad_zones );
######[> Handle chroot setups >]###################################################################
# This logic is required due to how bind-chroot symlinks /etc/named.conf to the chroot location
# And how File::Copy will not follow the symlinks, but will recreate them instead
if ( -l $def_namedconf ) {
my $target = readlink $def_namedconf;
print "Symlink detected: $target\n";
if ( open( $ndc_fh, '<', $target ) ) {
unlink $def_namedconf;
print "Restoring $def_namedconf from $target before proceeding\n";
Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( $target, $def_namedconf );
else {
print "Failed to read symlinked $def_namedconf [$target]. Cannot continue.\n";
exit 1;
else {
open( $ndc_fh, "<", $def_namedconf );
open( my $ndf_fh, ">", $def_namedconf . '.rebuilddnsconfig' );
if ( !$ndc_fh ) {
open( $ndc_fh, "<", $def_namedconf );
my $inc = 0;
my $firstline = 0;
my $numbrace = 0;
my $zonemarker = 0;
my $cppcomment = 0;
my $currzone = '';
my $skip_next_opening = 0;
my $zonedir = Cpanel::DNSLib::find_zonedir();
while (<$ndc_fh>) {
# Rudamentary comment exclusion.
if ($cppcomment) {
if (m/\*\//) {
$cppcomment = 0;
print $ndf_fh $_;
if (m/^\s*\#/) {
print $ndf_fh $_;
if (m/^\s*\/\//) {
print $ndf_fh $_;
if (m/^\s*\/\*/) {
$cppcomment = 1;
print $ndf_fh $_;
if ( $skip_next_opening && m/^\s*\{\s*$/ ) {
$skip_next_opening = 0;
next if m/bind.conf.wp/;
next if ( m/\s*include\s+/ && m/rndc.key/ );
if ( $needpid && m/pid-file/ ) {
if (m/\s*zone\s+["']([^"']+)/) {
$zonemarker = 1;
$currzone = $1;
elsif (m/\s*include\s+["']([^"']+)/) {
my $file = $1;
my $filemtime = ( stat($file) )[9];
if ( -f _ ) {
copytochroot( $file, $filemtime );
if ($zonemarker) {
$numbrace += Cpanel::StringFunc::Count::get_curly_brace_count($_);
if ( $numbrace == 0 ) {
$zonemarker = 0;
if (m/(.*[\s\t\;\{])file\s+(["'])([^"']+)(.*)/) {
my $postfile = $4;
my $file = $3;
my $prefile = $2;
my $space = $1;
my $relativedir = '';
my $fileold = $file;
if ( !Cpanel::StringFunc::Match::beginmatch( $file, '/' ) ) {
if ( $file =~ m/^([^\/]+)/ ) {
$relativedir = $1;
my $filename = $file;
if ( $file =~ m/([^\/]+)$/ ) {
$filename = $1;
my $filenew = $zonedir . '/' . $filename;
if ( $file eq $filenew ) {
print $ndf_fh $_;
elsif ( !Cpanel::StringFunc::Match::beginmatch( $file, '/' ) ) {
$file = $filenew;
print "Updating $fileold to $filenew\n";
#print $ndf_fh "${space}file ${prefile}${filenew}${postfile}";
else {
if ( !Cpanel::StringFunc::Match::beginmatch( $file, '/dev/' ) ) {
$filenew = $zonedir . '/' . $filename;
print "Updating $file to $filenew\n";
#print $ndf_fh "${space}file ${prefile}${filenew}${postfile}";
else {
$filenew = $file;
print $ndf_fh $_;
my $absfilename = '';
if ( $relativedir ne '' ) {
$absfilename = Cpanel::Path::relative2abspath( $relativedir, $zonedir ) . '/' . $filename;
if ( $absfilename ne '' && -e $absfilename ) {
$file = $absfilename;
my ( $fileinode, $filemtime ) = stat($file);
my ( $filenewinode, $filenewmtime ) = stat($filenew);
if ( !$filemtime && $currzone eq '.' ) {
next if ($filenewmtime);
$file = '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/named.ca';
( $fileinode, $filemtime ) = stat($file);
print "Root hints zone missing. Using default.\n" if $cpverbose;
elsif ( !$filemtime ) {
print "!! $file does not exist, unable to locate.\n";
print "!! Run /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/cleandns to remove zone without corresponding files.\n";
print "!! Or locate the proper zone file and place in $zonedir and rerun\n";
print "!! This script with the following options: /script/fixndc -fv\n";
if ( !$filenewmtime ) {
print "Moving $file to $filenew ...\n";
Cpanel::FileUtils::Move::safemv( $file, $filenew );
elsif ( $fileinode != $filenewinode && ( $filenewmtime > time() || $filemtime > $filenewmtime ) ) { # timewarp safe
Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( $file, $filenew );
Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chown( $binduser, $bindgroup, $filenew );
copytochroot( $filenew, $filemtime );
# Match for zone and file declaration on one line.
if ( m/.*[\s\t\;\{]file\s+["'][^"']+/ && m/[\s\;]*zone/ ) {
my $file = $2;
my $space = $1;
my $space2 = $3;
my $relativedir = '';
my $currzone = '';
my $delim = '"';
if (m/\s*zone\s+(["'])([\w\-\.]+)["']/) {
$zonemarker = 1;
$currzone = $2;
$delim = $1;
$numbrace += Cpanel::StringFunc::Count::get_curly_brace_count($1);
if ( $numbrace <= 0 ) {
$zonemarker = 0;
if ( !Cpanel::StringFunc::Match::beginmatch( $file, '/' ) ) {
if ( $file =~ m/^([^\/]+)/ ) {
$relativedir = $1;
my $filename = $file;
if ( $file =~ m/([^\/]+)$/ ) {
$filename = $1;
my $filenew = $zonedir . '/' . $filename;
if ( $file eq $filenew ) {
print $ndf_fh $_;
elsif ( !Cpanel::StringFunc::Match::beginmatch( $file, '/' ) ) {
$file = $filenew;
print "Updating $file to $filenew\n";
#print $ndf_fh "${space}file ${delim}${filenew}${space2}";
else {
if ( !Cpanel::StringFunc::Match::beginmatch( $file, '/dev/' ) ) {
$filenew = $zonedir . '/' . $filename;
print "Updating $file to $filenew\n";
#print $ndf_fh "${space}file ${delim}${filenew}${space2}";
else {
$filenew = $file;
print $ndf_fh $_;
my $absfilename = '';
if ($relativedir) {
$absfilename = Cpanel::Path::relative2abspath( $relativedir, $zonedir ) . '/' . $filename;
if ( $absfilename ne '' && -e $absfilename ) {
$file = $absfilename;
my $mtime = 0;
if ( -e $file ) {
$mtime = ( stat(_) )[9];
if ( !-e $filenew ) {
print "Moving $file to $filenew ...\n";
Cpanel::FileUtils::Move::safemv( $file, $filenew );
elsif (( stat($file) )[1] != ( stat($filenew) )[1]
&& ( ( stat($filenew) )[9] > time() || $mtime > ( stat($filenew) )[9] ) ) { # timewarp safe
Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( $file, $filenew );
Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chown( $binduser, $bindgroup, $filenew );
elsif ( $currzone eq '.' ) {
next if ( -e $filenew );
$file = '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/named.ca';
print "Root hints zone missing. Using default.\n" if $cpverbose;
if ( !-e $filenew ) {
print "Moving $file to $filenew ...\n";
Cpanel::FileUtils::Move::safemv( $file, $filenew );
elsif (( stat($file) )[1] != ( stat($filenew) )[1]
&& ( ( stat($filenew) )[9] > time() || $mtime > ( stat($filenew) )[9] ) ) { # timewarp safe
Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( $file, $filenew );
Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chown( $binduser, $bindgroup, $filenew );
else {
print "!! $file does not exist, unable to locate.\n";
print "!! Run /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/cleandns to remove zone without corresponding files.\n";
print "!! Or locate the proper zone file and place in $zonedir and rerun\n";
print "!! This script with the following options: /script/fixndc -fv\n";
$filenew = '';
if ( $filenew ne '' ) {
copytochroot( $filenew, $mtime );
if ( !$inc ) {
print $ndf_fh $_;
else {
if ($firstline) {
$firstline = 0;
$numbrace += Cpanel::StringFunc::Count::get_curly_brace_count($_);
if ( $numbrace == 0 ) {
$inc = 0;
if ( $needpid && m/^\s*options\s*/ ) {
if ( !m/\{/ ) {
#print $ndf_fh "{\n\tpid-file \"/var/run/named/pid\"\;\n";
$skip_next_opening = 1;
else {
#print $ndf_fh "\tpid-file \"/var/run/named/pid\"\;\n";
close $ndc_fh;
close $ndf_fh;
Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( $def_namedconf, $def_namedconf . '.prerebuilddnsconfig' );
Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chown( $binduser, $bindgroup, $def_namedconf );
if ( $chrootdir ne '' ) {
print "Updated $def_namedconf in chroot directory\n" if $cpverbose;
if ( -e $chrootdir . $def_namedconf ) {
if ( ( stat($def_namedconf) )[1] != ( stat( $chrootdir . $def_namedconf ) )[1] ) {
Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( $def_namedconf, $chrootdir . $def_namedconf );
Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chown( $binduser, $bindgroup, $chrootdir . $def_namedconf );
else {
Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( $def_namedconf, $chrootdir . $def_namedconf );
Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chown( $binduser, $bindgroup, $chrootdir . $def_namedconf );
# Reset ownership of named.conf
print "Changing ownership of $def_namedconf: $binduser:$bindgroup\n" if $cpverbose;
Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chown( $binduser, $bindgroup, $def_namedconf );
if ( !-e '/var/cpanel/usensd' ) {
print "Restarting Bind\n" if $cpverbose;
else {
# This will also regenerate the zone database
print "Restarting NSD\n" if $cpverbose;
######[ call fixrndc to ensure working rndckey config ]############################################
if ( !-e '/var/cpanel/usensd' ) {
print "Running `/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/fixrndc -f` to check rndc key\n" if $cpverbose;
my $opts = $cpverbose ? '-fvs' : '-fs';
exec( '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/fixrndc', $opts );
# sub copytochroot
sub copytochroot {
my $filenew = shift;
# mtime of original file
my $mtime = shift || 0;
if ( $chrootdir ne '' ) {
my $chrootfile = $chrootdir . $filenew;
print "Copying $filenew to $chrootfile\n" if $cpverbose;
my ( $fsinode, $fsmode, $fsuid, $fsgid, $fsmtime ) = ( stat($filenew) )[ 1, 2, 4, 5, 9 ];
my $fsperms = $fsmode & 07777;
if ( -e $chrootfile ) {
my ( $chrootinode, $chrootmode, $chrootuid, $chrootgid, $chrootmtime ) = ( stat(_) )[ 1, 2, 4, 5, 9 ];
my $chrootperms = $chrootmode & 07777;
if ($mtime) {
my $now = time();
if ( $fsinode != $chrootinode
&& ( $mtime > $chrootmtime || $mtime > $now || $chrootmtime > $now || $chrootuid != $binduid || $chrootgid != $bindgid || $chrootperms != $fsperms ) ) { #timewarp safe
if ( Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( $filenew, $chrootfile ) ) {
print "Copied $filenew to chroot environment.\n" if $cpverbose;
Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chown( $binduser, $bindgroup, $chrootfile );
Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chmod( $fsperms, $chrootfile );
return 1;
else {
warn "Problem copying $filenew to $chrootdir";
return 0;
else {
print "$filenew already exists in chroot environment.\n" if $cpverbose;
return 1;
else {
if ( $fsinode != $chrootinode ) {
if ( Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( $filenew, $chrootfile ) ) {
Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chown( $binduser, $bindgroup, $chrootfile );
Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chmod( $fsperms, $chrootfile );
print "Copied $filenew to chroot environment.\n" if $cpverbose;
return 1;
else {
warn "Problem copying $filenew to $chrootdir";
return 0;
else {
if ( $chrootuid != $binduid || $chrootgid != $bindgid || $chrootperms != $fsperms ) {
Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chown( $binduser, $bindgroup, $chrootfile );
Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chmod( $fsperms, $chrootfile );
print "$filenew already exists in chroot environment.\n" if $cpverbose;
return 1;
warn "Problem copying $filenew to chroot environment. This should not happen.";
return 0;
elsif ( Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( $filenew, $chrootfile ) ) {
print "Copied $filenew to chroot environment.\n" if $cpverbose;
Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chown( $binduser, $bindgroup, $chrootfile );
return 1;
else {
warn "Problem copying $filenew to chroot environment.\n";
return 0;
return 0;
sub clearcache {
if ( -e $def_namedconf . '.cache' ) {
unlink( $def_namedconf . '.cache' );
unlink( $def_namedconf . '.zonedir.cache' );
######[ Default named.conf template ]##############################################################
sub getdefault_nameddotconf {
my $bind_ipv6_line = '';
if ( -f '/etc/cpanel/ipv6/range_allocation_data' ) {
$bind_ipv6_line = "\n\ // Enable IPv6\n listen-on-v6 { any; }; /* updated by cPanel */";
return <<"EOC";
options {
/* make named use port 53 for the source of all queries, to allow
* firewalls to block all ports except 53:
// query-source port 53;
recursion no;
/* We no longer enable this by default as the dns posion exploit
has forced many providers to open up their firewalls a bit */
// Put files that named is allowed to write in the data/ directory:
directory "###BASE_DIR###"; // the default
pid-file "###PID_FILE###";
dump-file "data/cache_dump.db";
statistics-file "data/named_stats.txt";
/* memstatistics-file "data/named_mem_stats.txt"; */
allow-transfer { "none"; };
logging {
channel default_log {
file "/var/log/named/named.log" versions 5 size 128M;
print-time yes;
print-severity yes;
print-category yes;
severity warning;
category default { default_log; };
category general { default_log; };
// All BIND 9 zones are in a "view", which allow different zones to be served
// to different types of client addresses, and for options to be set for groups
// of zones.
// By default, if named.conf contains no "view" clauses, all zones are in the
// "default" view, which matches all clients.
// If named.conf contains any "view" clause, then all zones MUST be in a view;
// so it is recommended to start off using views to avoid having to restructure
// your configuration files in the future.
view "localhost_resolver" {
/* This view sets up named to be a localhost resolver ( caching only nameserver ).
* If all you want is a caching-only nameserver, then you need only define this view:
match-clients {; };
match-destinations { localhost; };
recursion yes;
zone "." IN {
type hint;
file "###BASE_DIR###/named.ca";
/* these are zones that contain definitions for all the localhost
* names and addresses, as recommended in RFC1912 - these names should
* ONLY be served to localhost clients:
include "###BASE_DIR###/named.rfc1912.zones";
view "internal" {
/* This view will contain zones you want to serve only to "internal" clients
that connect via your directly attached LAN interfaces - "localnets" .
match-clients { localnets; };
match-destinations { localnets; };
recursion yes;
zone "." IN {
type hint;
file "###BASE_DIR###/named.ca";
// include "###BASE_DIR###/named.rfc1912.zones";
// you should not serve your rfc1912 names to non-localhost clients.
// These are your "authoritative" internal zones, and would probably
// also be included in the "localhost_resolver" view above :
view "external" {
/* This view will contain zones you want to serve only to "external" clients
* that have addresses that are not on your directly attached LAN interface subnets:
recursion no;
additional-from-cache no;
// you'd probably want to deny recursion to external clients, so you don't
// end up providing free DNS service to all takers
// all views must contain the root hints zone:
zone "." IN {
type hint;
file "###BASE_DIR###/named.ca";
// These are your "authoritative" external zones, and would probably
// contain entries for just your web and mail servers:
// BEGIN external zone entries