* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
# cpanel - scripts/smtpmailgidonly Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cpanel::Exim::Config::Ports ();
use Cpanel::Chkservd ();
use Cpanel::PwCache ();
my $version = '2.4';
my $action = lc( ( grep( m/^-*(?:on|off|status|refresh|start|stop)$/i, @ARGV ) )[0] // '' ) || 0;
$action =~ s/^-*//g;
my $no_run_header = "$0 version $version - Copyright(C) 2020 cPanel, L.L.C.\nThis may be freely redistributed under the terms of the Artistic License.";
if ( !$action ) {
print STDERR <<"EOM";
usage: $0 <on|off|status|refresh|start|stop>
exit 1;
my $cpaneluid = ( Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam('cpanel') )[2];
my $mailgid = ( Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam('mail') )[3];
my $mailmangid = ( Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam('mailman') )[3];
my $exim_alt_port = Cpanel::Chkservd::geteximport(1); #first arg allows fetch more then the first port
if ($exim_alt_port) {
foreach my $port ( split( m/\s*\,\s*/, $exim_alt_port ) ) {
$Cpanel::Exim::Config::Ports::LISTEN_PORTS{$port} = 1 if ( $port =~ /^[0-9]+$/ && $port < 65535 && $port > 0 );
my @PORTS = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %Cpanel::Exim::Config::Ports::LISTEN_PORTS;
my @RULE_TYPES = (
{ 'table' => 'nat', 'target' => 'RETURN', 'method' => '-I' },
{ 'table' => '', 'target' => 'ACCEPT', 'method' => '-I' }
my @RULES = (
{ 'type' => 'uid', 'value' => 0, 'name' => 'root' }, #aka root
$cpaneluid ? { 'type' => 'uid', 'value' => $cpaneluid, 'name' => 'cpanel', 'args' => [ '-d', '' ] } : (),
$mailgid ? { 'type' => 'gid', 'value' => $mailgid, 'name' => 'mail' } : (),
$mailmangid ? { 'type' => 'gid', 'value' => $mailmangid, 'name' => 'mailman' } : ()
# for future expension
if ( -e '/var/cpanel/smtpmailgidonly/conf.yaml' ) {
print "Loaded custom smtpmailgidonly/conf.yaml\n";
require Cpanel::YAML::Syck;
my $cfg = YAML::Syck::LoadFile('/var/cpanel/smtpmailgidonly/conf.yaml');
push @PORTS, @{ $cfg->{'PORTS'} } if exists $cfg->{'PORTS'};
push @RULES, @{ $cfg->{'RULES'} } if exists $cfg->{'RULES'};
require Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors;
my $enabled = -e '/var/cpanel/smtpgidonlytweak';
if ( $action eq 'status' ) {
print "Protection is: " . ( $enabled ? 'on' : 'off' ) . "\n";
exit 0;
if ( $action eq 'refresh' ) {
$action = ( $enabled ? 'on' : 'off' );
print "Refreshing SMTP Mail protection.\n";
remove_firewall_rules( $action =~ /^(?:start|stop)$/ );
if ( $action =~ /^(?:on|start)$/ ) {
add_firewall_rules( $action eq 'start' );
print "SMTP Mail protection has been enabled.\n";
print "All outbound SMTP connections will be redirected to localhost except:\n";
foreach my $rule (@RULES) {
print "\t$rule->{'type'} is $rule->{'name'} (ports: " . join( ',', @PORTS ) . ")\n";
else {
print "SMTP Mail protection has been disabled. All users may make outbound smtp connections.\n";
sub add_firewall_rules {
my ($start_only) = @_;
foreach my $type (@RULE_TYPES) {
foreach my $rule (@RULES) {
my $result = _iptables( ( $type->{'table'} ? ( '-t', $type->{'table'} ) : () ), $type->{'method'}, 'OUTPUT', '-p', 'tcp', ( ref $rule->{'args'} ? @{ $rule->{'args'} } : () ), '-m', 'multiport', '--dports', join( ',', @PORTS ), '-m', 'owner', '--' . $rule->{'type'} . '-owner', $rule->{'value'}, '-j', $type->{'target'} );
if ( $result =~ m/(?:No\s+chain|target\s+problem|Unknown\s+error|cannot\s+open\s+shared\s+object\s+file)/i ) {
print "SMTP Mail protection has been disabled. All users may make smtp connections.\n";
print "There was a problem setting up iptables. You either have an older kernel or a broken iptables install, or ipt_owner could not be loaded.\n";
exit 1;
_iptables( '-t', 'nat', '-A', 'OUTPUT', '-p', 'tcp', '-m', 'multiport', '--dports', join( ',', @PORTS ), '-j', 'REDIRECT' );
return if $start_only;
require Cpanel::Config::CpConfGuard;
my $cpconf = Cpanel::Config::CpConfGuard->new();
$cpconf->{data}->{smtpmailgidonly} = 1;
require Cpanel::FileUtils::TouchFile;
sub remove_firewall_rules {
my ($stop_only) = @_;
debug("Removing old rules");
if ( !-e '/etc/csf' ) { #case 57565: removing these breaks outbound mail if csf has SMTP_BLOCK=1
# Old method needs to be removed
foreach my $rule (@RULES) {
_iptables( '-D', 'OUTPUT', '--protocol', 'tcp', ( ref $rule->{'args'} ? @{ $rule->{'args'} } : () ), '--dport', '25', '-m', 'owner', '--' . $rule->{'type'} . '-owner', $rule->{'value'}, '-j', 'ACCEPT' );
_iptables( '-D', 'OUTPUT', '--protocol', 'tcp', '-d', '', '--dport', '25', '-j', 'ACCEPT' );
_iptables( '-D', 'OUTPUT', '--protocol', 'tcp', '--dport', '25', '-j', 'REJECT' );
debug("Removing new type rules");
# New Method
foreach my $type (@RULE_TYPES) {
foreach my $rule (@RULES) {
_iptables( ( $type->{'table'} ? ( '-t', $type->{'table'} ) : () ), '-D', 'OUTPUT', '-p', 'tcp', ( ref $rule->{'args'} ? @{ $rule->{'args'} } : () ), '-m', 'multiport', '--dports', join( ',', @PORTS ), '-m', 'owner', '--' . $rule->{'type'} . '-owner', $rule->{'value'}, '-j', $type->{'target'} );
_iptables( '-t', 'nat', '-D', 'OUTPUT', '-p', 'tcp', '-m', 'multiport', '--dports', join( ',', @PORTS ), '-j', 'REDIRECT' );
debug("Removing multiport rules matching 25...");
foreach my $type (@RULE_TYPES) {
# Remove any remaining port 25 rules
my %port_lists;
foreach my $line ( split( /\n/, _iptables( ( $type->{'table'} ? ( '-t', $type->{'table'} ) : () ), '-L', '-n' ) ) ) {
#RETURN tcp -- multiport dports 25,26,122,125,232,434,465,587,809,5454 OWNER UID match 32001
if ( $line =~ m/multiport\s+dports\s+(25,[,0-9]+)\s+(?i:OWNER)\s+[UG]ID\s+match/ ) {
$port_lists{$1} = 1;
foreach my $port_list ( keys %port_lists ) {
foreach my $rule (@RULES) {
_iptables( ( $type->{'table'} ? ( '-t', $type->{'table'} ) : () ), '-D', 'OUTPUT', '-p', 'tcp', ( ref $rule->{'args'} ? @{ $rule->{'args'} } : () ), '-m', 'multiport', '--dports', $port_list, '-m', 'owner', '--' . $rule->{'type'} . '-owner', $rule->{'value'}, '-j', $type->{'target'} );
if ( $type->{'table'} && $type->{'table'} eq 'nat' ) {
_iptables( '-t', 'nat', '-D', 'OUTPUT', '-p', 'tcp', '-m', 'multiport', '--dports', $port_list, '-j', 'REDIRECT' );
return if $stop_only;
require Cpanel::Config::CpConfGuard;
my $cpconf = Cpanel::Config::CpConfGuard->new();
$cpconf->{data}->{smtpmailgidonly} = 0;
unlink '/var/cpanel/smtpgidonlytweak'; # For WHM
sub debug {
print "[$_[0]]\n" if $ENV{'CPANEL_DEBUG'};
sub _iptables {
my @rule_content = @_;
if ( -x '/sbin/ip6tables' ) {
my @rule6_content = @rule_content;
foreach my $part (@rule6_content) {
$part =~ s/127\.0\.0\.1/\:\:1\/128/g; # change local host to ipv6 equiv
debug( "EXEC: " . join( ' ', '/sbin/ip6tables', @rule6_content ) );
my $result6 = Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunallerrors( '/sbin/ip6tables', @rule6_content ) . "\n";
debug("EXEC RESULT: $result6");
debug( "EXEC: " . join( ' ', '/sbin/iptables', @rule_content ) );
my $result = Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunallerrors( '/sbin/iptables', @rule_content ) . "\n";
debug("EXEC RESULT: $result");
return $result;