* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
# cpanel - scripts/verify_vhost_includes Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Spec;
use Cpanel::ConfigFiles::Apache ();
use Getopt::Param ();
use Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::Move ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::TouchFile ();
use Cpanel::ConfigFiles::Apache::modules ();
my $apacheconf = Cpanel::ConfigFiles::Apache->new();
my $prm = Getopt::Param->new(
'help_coderef' => sub {
print <<"END_HELP";
Verify that vhost includes are valid with the current apache.
$0 --help (this screen)
Actually do changes, otherwise it's only an informational dryrun
Do not show output for files that are ok
Show the output of the test
Only check a specific type of incldue. Valid values are:
'conf' - *.conf files
'owner' - *.owner-{RESELLER_NAME_HERE}
die $apacheconf->bin_httpd() . " does not exist" if !-e $apacheconf->bin_httpd();
die $apacheconf->bin_httpd() . " is not executable" if !-x $apacheconf->bin_httpd();
my $httpdconf = $apacheconf->file_conf();
my $vhostless_for_testing = $apacheconf->dir_conf() . '/_ensure_vhost_includes_vhostless_test_file';
my $default_target_empty_file = "$vhostless_for_testing.conf";
die "default include for test is not empty" if -s $default_target_empty_file;
my $include_symlink = "$vhostless_for_testing.inc";
if ( ( readlink($include_symlink) || '' ) ne $default_target_empty_file ) {
unlink $include_symlink; # must remove it so it can be created
symlink( $default_target_empty_file, $include_symlink );
if ( ( readlink($include_symlink) || '' ) ne $default_target_empty_file ) {
die "Default symlink for test failed";
my $test_mtime = ( stat($vhostless_for_testing) )[9] || 0;
if ( ( stat($httpdconf) )[9] >= $test_mtime ) {
# create $vhostless_for_testing
if ( open my $fh_r, '<', $httpdconf ) {
if ( open my $fh_w, '>', $vhostless_for_testing ) {
while ( my $line = readline($fh_r) ) {
if ( $line =~ m/^\s*\<VirtualHost /i ) {
print {$fh_w} $line;
print {$fh_w} "<VirtualHost *>\nInclude \"$include_symlink\"\n</VirtualHost>\n";
close $fh_w;
else {
die "Could not open '$vhostless_for_testing' for writing: $!";
close $fh_r;
else {
die "Could not open '$httpdconf' for reading: $!";
my $initial_test_result = Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunallerrors( $apacheconf->bin_httpd(), qw(-DSSL -t -f), $vhostless_for_testing );
if ( $initial_test_result !~ m{Syntax\s+OK}i ) {
die "Default vhostless config file for test has bad syntax";
my $only = $prm->get_param('only-ext') || '';
$only = '' if $only ne 'conf' && $only ne 'owner';
my $testout = $prm->get_param('show-test-output') || '';
my $hideok = $prm->get_param('hide-valid') || '';
my $dryrun = !$prm->get_param('commit') ? 1 : 0;
my $no_vhost_httpd_conf = 'TODO';
my $path = $apacheconf->dir_conf_userdata();
my $apache_version = Cpanel::ConfigFiles::Apache::modules::apache_version( { 'places' => 2 } );
for my $type (qw( std ssl )) {
for my $apv ( qw( 1 2 ), $apache_version ) {
for my $user ( _get_dirs_in("$path/$type/$apv") ) {
_proc_files_in( "$path/$type/$apv/$user", 1 ); # IE no .owner- here
for my $domain ( _get_dirs_in("$path/$type/$apv/$user") ) {
_proc_files_in( "$path/$type/$apv/$user/$domain", 1 ); # IE no .owner- here
# cleanup for next time:
unlink $include_symlink; # must remove it so it can be created
symlink( $default_target_empty_file, $include_symlink );
sub _get_dirs_in {
my ($dir) = @_;
return if !-d $dir;
opendir my $root_dh, $dir or die qq{Could not opendir '$dir': $!};
my @dirs = grep { !m{ \A [.]+ \z }xms && -d "$dir/$_" } readdir($root_dh);
closedir $root_dh;
return @dirs;
sub _proc_files_in {
my ($path) = @_;
return if !-d $path;
opendir my $root_dh, $path or die qq{Could not opendir '$path': $!};
my @files = grep { !m{ \A [.]+ \z }xms && -f "$path/$_" } readdir($root_dh);
closedir $root_dh;
for my $file ( map { File::Spec->catfile( $path, $_ ) } @files ) {
sub _handle_abs_path {
my ( $abs_path, $no_owner ) = @_;
my $is_owner = $abs_path =~ m{ [.] owner [-] \S+ \z }xms ? 1 : 0;
my $is_conf = $abs_path =~ m{ [.] conf \z }xms ? 1 : 0;
my $is_broken = $abs_path =~ m{ [.] broken \z }xms ? 1 : 0;
return if $is_owner && $no_owner;
return if $is_owner && $only eq 'conf';
return if $is_conf && $only eq 'owner';
unlink $include_symlink; # must remove it so it can be created
symlink( $abs_path, $include_symlink );
if ( readlink($include_symlink) ne $abs_path ) {
my $test_result = Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunallerrors( $apacheconf->bin_httpd(), qw(-DSSL -t -f), $vhostless_for_testing );
if ( $test_result =~ m{Syntax\s+OK}i ) {
print "Testing $abs_path...ok\n" if !$hideok;
if ($is_broken) {
print "Testing $abs_path...ok\n" if $hideok; # print it her eunder this circumstance even if we're not above and not if we already have
if ( !$dryrun ) {
my $orig = $abs_path;
$orig =~ s{.broken}{};
if ( Cpanel::FileUtils::Move::safemv( $abs_path, $orig ) ) {
print "\tMoved '$abs_path'\n\tback to '$orig'...\n";
else {
print "\tUnable to move '$abs_path'\nto '$orig' for safety, you will want to do this manually...\n";
else {
print "\tNo changes made without --commit flag\n";
print "[TEST RESULTS]\n$test_result\n[/TEST RESULTS]\n\n" if $testout && !$hideok;
else {
print "Testing $abs_path...";
if ($is_broken) {
print "Still broken\n";
else {
print "FAILED\n";
if ( !$dryrun ) {
if ( Cpanel::FileUtils::Move::safemv( $abs_path, $abs_path . '.broken' ) ) {
print "\tMoved '$abs_path'\n\tto '$abs_path.broken' for safety...\n";
else {
print "\tUnable to move '$abs_path'\nto '$abs_path.broken'for safety, you will want to do this manually...\n";
else {
print "\tNo changes made without --commit flag\n";
print "[TEST RESULTS]\n$test_result\n[/TEST RESULTS]\n\n" if $testout;